Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Grillin & Chillin Bug Hop Winner!

Just a quick post with the winner from the Grillin & Chillin Bug Hop!

Wasn't that a great hop with so many amazing layout , cards and projects? It is hard to believe there is just so much amazing talent out there and I was very honor to hop right along with each and everyone of you!

I would also like to thank everyone who left me a comment, I enjoyed reading each and everyone of them, I know a lot of you had trouble leaving comments. Thank you to all my new and old followers, with out you I would not have a blog.

So with that being said the winner is........

Sandy S

Please email me with your mailing information and I will get you goodies out to you!


don't forget if you were unable to comment with all the blogger issues....there is still time to leave a comment for the Everyday Cricut Cartridge I am giving away. I will be picking a winner on June 10th!

Which just happens to be my Birthday!

Comment from the Grillin & Chillin Hop and Nicolette's Birthday Bash (which is this weekend ) will be combined and then a winner will be pick!

Don't forget you must be a follower! LOL!
This is my thank you blog candy to celebrate my 1 year Blog Anniversary and reaching 600 followers to you!


1 Susan said...

Thank you Jen for sharing your project and the opprotunity to win blog candy. Congrats Sandy on your win!


2 thekolbes said...

Congrats. I couldn't do blog hops because I couldn't post. It was driving me crazy

3 Sandy S. (CraftyCreations) said...

Hi Jenny:

Wow..... so happy to have been the lucky winner of your wonderful blog candy! =)

And thanks everyone on the congrats..... I am one happy girl!!!!

Hugs and happy crafting!

4 Pammejo said...

Congrats on your blog birthday, how exciting. I am a follwer and am celebrating Nicolettes birthday hop with you. Love that Tinkerbell layout. Fabulous. pammejo1@yahoo.com

5 Lillian Child said...

Congrats to Sandy!

And congrats on your one year blogversary! My one year is later this month as well. Can't believe how quickly the time has gone, but isn't it fun to have the past year documented on your blog? Keep up the great work!

6 Susie said...


7 Cathy said...

congrats on your blog's anniversary!!
way to go, here is to many more crafty years.

8 Rez P. said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary. I'm a new follower.Thanks for the chance. I've also post this on my sidebar.