Friday, May 6, 2011

Winner form The Disney Pixar Blog Hop

First I would like to thank everyone for the wonderful comments you left, I had such a great time reading them. Also thank you to all my new followers and of course I cannot forget my old ones to! I hope you will all continue to follow me. Before I announce the winner I would like to let you all know that I am in another Disney Blog Hop tomorrow and I have a awesome layout to show some sweet blog candy, hope you will all come out and hop with us!

Now back to why you all popped in!

The winner is # 126

Kim said...
New follower. Happy to find you via the hop! Love your Toy Story layout. Woody can be a challenge when you make him at that size! You did a great job tho!

So Kim please give me a shout and I will get your blog candy out to you ASAP!

Bye for now, have a lovely weekend and

Hope you're all able to check out all of the blogs tomorrow!

1 comment:


Why to go KIM
I'm already a follower
I have blog candy you can win
Become a follower today
Rebecca Minor